
October 27, 2012

Eid Mubarak: The Tale Of A Cow

On this Eid I promise you an interesting real life story as seen on Facebook. Eid Mubarak!
Deadpool Stc: Cow absconding from Hatirpul. A cow that witnessed the slaughter of inmates at a building in Hatirpul managed to untangle its rope and ran like a bat from hell. The buyer of the cow gave chase on a car.Cow was last spotted at Shahbagh, after taking a detour from Moghbazar. The car is still chasing the cow. But, cow seems faster. Saad Hammadi is getting updates for us. And no, this is NOT a joke. We are rooting for the cow here (10 hours ago via mobile)
Deadpool Stc Update: A bike and a group of ppl, who seems to have nothing better to do, is also chasing the cow now. This has to be the Tom Cruise of cows!
Shahnaz Parveen: Cow jindabaad
Deadpool Stc Update: Cow has entered Dhaka University area. When some DU students, who were basically waiting for their perpetually late girlfriends, tried to be thorns in the cow's side, the valiant cow snapped. It injured a few ppl thr. Finally the buyers have decided to sacrifice it at DU premises. Noble try, cow: You'll be remembered as the one that had gotten away...almost. (10 hours ago via mobile)
Saad Hammadi Prison break: The Cow was finally stopped at Dhaka University area. The owners/my neighbours have made a tough run after the cow for almost an hour, some on feet and one on a bike. (10 hours ago)
Naeem Mohaiemen: Run Cow Run
Konka Karim: i'm a bit confused, who should i be proud more of, the cow or the owner???
Saad Hammadi: After its capture, the biker made a triumphant return home to be the first to give the news. He was also wounded in the chest. I wonder if the cow kicked him or what but from his words, the became ferocious and wasn't in a state to be brought back.
Mac Haque: Long live the Cow :) "মনের পশুরে করো জবাই পশুরাও বাঁচে বাঁচে সবাই..."-কাজী নজরুল ইসলাম।