
Image by Rezwan

April 28, 2009

Panic is Spreading Faster Than Swine Flu

Pink markers are suspect - Purple markers are confirmed or probable - Deaths lack a dot in marker - Yellow markers are negativeSwine Flu threat spreads worldwide, the panic is spreading faster than that.If you feel you have contracted swine flu please check "Do I have Swine Flu?".Via niman. Check for updates at Swine Flu World ...

April 26, 2009

Coping With The Heat And Load Shedding In South Asia

Heatwaves during this time of year is not uncommon for countries in South Asia. But the recent dry weather has kept sufficient rain away from the region keeping the mercury rising. And load shedding (rolling electricity blackouts) due to power crisis in several countries have made the lives of millions of people unbearable. Last Friday (April 24, 2009) was the hottest day of this summer (with 38.5 Celsius) for Dhaka, the capital of Bangladesh. The Eastern parts of India is choking as mercury rises above 45 degree Celsius. Several deaths have...

April 25, 2009

Leaning House At Cambridge

Displaying a friend's Brightkite feed:Leaning living.dsasaki @ Western Ave & Gilmore St, Cambridge, MA 02139, United States - about 21 hours ago - via iph...

April 22, 2009

World Digital Library

The World Digital Library has been officially inaugurated today:(It) has started small, with about 1,200 documents and their explanations from scholars in Arabic, Chinese, English, French, Portuguese, Spanish and Russian. But it is designed to accommodate an unlimited number of such texts, charts and illustrations from as many countries and libraries as want to contribute.There is not much on Bangladesh now. But the Bengali readers may be interested...

April 17, 2009

Let us get the record straight

From the Daily Star:Foreign Minister Dipu Moni today said Bangladesh is not a moderate Muslim country as dubbed by foreigners but a secular country with a majority population of Muslims."We achieved our independence through an armed revolution with a dream to establish a non-communal country," Dipu Moni added.The minister said many countries were termed with different labels but it is not necessary to take other's indication when it contradicts the fundamental values, she said."So the concept of moderate Muslim democratic country is not applicable...

Bijli strikes Bangladesh!

Image courtesy Earth SnapshotAccording to the previous prediction weather system "Bijli" gained strength to be a Tropical cyclonic storm is and rushing into Bangladesh's Southern shores, packing winds up to 90 kph. Warning signals have been raised by the authorities (more in BD News24).People in Bangladesh has been complaining about extreme heat. The warm sea temperature is a bit to bother. Remember cyclone Nargis which striked Myanmar last year?...

April 16, 2009

Tropical Cyclone Bijli

A tropical storm/cyclone is intensifying in the Bay of Bengal. Bangladesh has issued a cyclone alert.According to the prediction in Weather Underground it is going to miss most parts of Bangladesh and will be a tropical storm only. But we have seen that these weather systems so often intensify and/or change course.Image courtesy Weather Underground.Public advisory:Tropical cyclone (tc) 01b (bijli) located approximately 265 nmsouth-southwest of kolkata,...

April 14, 2009

That shameless plagiarist

In recent days Bangladesh media (especially the tabloid ones) have been taken over by an Indian writer called Sunita Paul. She has been writing sensational articles on Bangladesh affairs and never bothers a bit before raging personal attacks on various persons without any valid source of information. Her famous sources are like 'according to information', 'a senior official' etc. It can be argued whether what she writes can be called journalism. She usually writes for unknown and less read online magazines like American Chronicle. But a section...

April 10, 2009

Picture of the day

Staying connected while on a fast train journey (250 kmh)..laptop power, mobile internet, working desk, spacious seats.. somewhere in Germa...

April 09, 2009

Quote of the Day

যেই দেশের সাড়ে ছয় কোটি মানুষ যে দারিদ্র্য সীমার নিচে বাস করে, যেই দেশে লক্ষ লক্ষ মানুষ বাস্তু হারা, সেই দেশের প্রধান বিরোধী দল তাদের নেত্রীর বসবাসের জন্য দুই দুটা বাড়ি চায়! তার জন্য আবার বিক্ষোভ-সমাবেশ করে! সত্যি সেলুকাস! কি বিচিত্র এই জাতি!The country which has 65 million people living in poverty, which has millions of homeless people; has to provide two homes for the leader of the opposition. And her party engages in a nationwide protest for cancelling one. Ha Selucas! How strange is this nation!Via Irteja S. ...

Right Intentions Wrong Approach

Bangladesh State Minister for Liberation War Affairs, AB Tajul Islam, told German Press Agency dp that:"We will take the matter to the International Criminal Court and seek the trial of the members of the Pakistani occupation forces who committed crimes against humanity during our liberation war."However there is a problem with that because apparently the International Criminal Court came into being on 1 July 2002 — and it can only prosecute crimes committed on or after that date. (wikipedia)I think Bangladesh can resort to the International Court...

April 02, 2009

Guest of the Stauffenbergs

I am attending a conference of international activists in Rißtissen, a small village in Germany. The highlight of the conference was being hosted by the Stauffenberg family in their seventeenth century castle.Schloss RißtissenThe Stauffenbergs are an aristocratic Roman Catholic family from Swabia in Germany, whose best known member was Claus Schenk Graf von Stauffenberg - the key figure in the 1944 "20 July plot" to assassinate Adolf Hitler. You...

Some progress

Bangladesh parliament passed anti-beggar bills which is a sign of progress. However they should have stated how they plan to rehabilitate the beggers."The new laws fix no fines for beggars, but state if anyone is caught begging in public places or shows disabilities to get alms, they will face time behind bars (for 3 months). The laws also says anyone guilty of 'eve teasing' will face imprisonment for three months, a fine of Tk 500 or both. If anyone uses public places as a lavatory, they face a Tk 500 fine.It sets a Tk 300 fine for anyone caught...