
Image by Rezwan

January 28, 2010

What’s on your Blog today?

New Age Extra: January 22-28, 2010 Finally, Bangladeshi bloggers have grasped the power of blogs on the internet and are truly exercising their freedom of expression to make changes in their lives and society…writes Saad Hammadi  Jyoti was pleased by the news of the successful separation of Bangladeshi conjoined twins, Trishna and Krishna at Melbourne’s Royal Children’s Hospital and so, she posted her pleasure on the Unheard Voice...

January 23, 2010

Should Bangladesh Join The Rome Statute Of The ICC?

Unheard Voice posted a press release of the Coalition for the International Criminal Court urging Bangladesh to be the first South Asian signatory to International Criminal Court (ICC). The ratification only requires approval of the Cabinet, not the Parliament. The Coalition for the International Criminal Court has recently published another press release which says: In May 2010, the ICC will hold its first Review Conference which will consider, among other things, amendments to the Statute including the adoption of a definition for the crime...

January 17, 2010

Thoughts On Ordinary Sides

"Bangladesh are an ordinary side. They can't beat India because they can't take 20 wickets." This was the remark of Indian cricket captain Virender Sehwag on the eve of the first Test in Chittagong. Bangladesh coach Jamie Siddons reacted on Sehwag's comment: "He should stay away from mikes. Every team has good and bad phases. His comments might bite him on his bum in a few years time. It might even hit him in the bum in a week's time. We are definitely not an ordinary side. That's what we are hoping to show in this Test series. We could hopefully...

The alter of Tiger Temple


Tiger Temple, Thailand

Taking a photo with Tige...

Now visiting

The bridge on the river Kwai, Kanchanaburi, Thaila...

January 10, 2010

Running out of IPv4 addresses

An Internet protocol (IP) addresses is the unique numerical label that is assigned to devices participating in a computer network utilizing the Internet Protocol for communication. The original designers of TCP/IP defined an IP address as a 32-bit number and this system, known as Internet Protocol Version 4 or IPv4, is still in use today (wikipedia)  However it may not be used after 2011. Harry Lewis reports: If you go to WhatIsMyIp or...

January 09, 2010

The Day After Tomorrow

Many regions in the world seems to be tackling a cold wave in the recent history. You can see the amazing pictures here, even in unusual places liek UAE and Saudi Arabia. For countries like Bangladesh Temperature dropping to close to 10 degrees is a disaster for many rural people as their homes or their clothes are not equipped to withstand this cold. This reminds me of a Hollywood science fiction movie I watched recently "The Day After Tomorrow". The movie showed that due to global warming, melting of the polar ice had begun disrupting the North...

A water lodge


Mekarsari Amazing Tourism Park in Bogor

A family outing on a lazy saturd...

January 06, 2010

The Forgotten Pledges Of BNP

Shakhawat Liton lists the forgotten pledges of Bangladesh's major opposition BNP, which started boycotting parliament on the issue of front row seating arrangement in the House: After taking oath as an MP, Khaleda on January 15 announced her party deputies will attend parliament from its inaugural sitting and play a constructive role.As the leader of the opposition, Khaleda's poor participation in the House proceedings shows her lack of interests to parliament. The opposition lawmakers joined 23 out of total 87 sittings of the ninth parliament,...

Back To The Right Path

The following fundamental principles of Bangladesh constitution of 1972 evolved through experiences of the liberation struggle of Bangladesh. - Democracy - Nationalism - Secularism and - Socialism (meaning economic and social justice for all) Here you can read the original constitution hand written in Bangla: (courtesy Arup Kamal) Created with Admarket's flickrSLiDR. The later amendments replaced Secularity with "Absolute trust and faith in the Almighty Allah shall be the basis of all actions". Here is a list of the amendments made (In Bangla,...

January 04, 2010

Live Cricket Bangladesh vs. Sri Lanka

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January 03, 2010

Yes we can

The Education minister of Bangladesh Nurul Islam Nahid has kept his promise to provide millions of Bangladeshi school students with new textbooks from the first day of the new academic year. A staggering number of 186,826,950 textbooks were printed for 27,662,529 students of this academic year. The minister said: “A huge number of students from the poor families discontinue their studies due to lack of books. So we decided to provide all with new books to prevent drop out." There were quarters who wanted him not to succeed. A mysterious fire...