August 29, 2012

Baby Taxi (Autorickshaw)

Cartoon by Rakibul Hasan  Auto rickshaws (locally called "baby taxis" or "CNGs") are one of the most popular modes of transport in Bangladesh. They are best suited to narrow, crowded streets, and are thus the principal means of covering longer distances within urban areas.  In Dhaka they should run on a meter system but due to price hike in their rent from the owners, the Baby taxi drivers are charging extra from the passengers....

August 27, 2012

How To Activate DISQUS Commenting System in Blogger instead of Haloscan Echo

When I first started my blog in blogger in 2003 its comment system was not great. Haloscan (est. in 2002) was one of the third-party blog comment hosting services available in those days and I guess in 2005 I started using Haloscan. Haloscan was acquired by JS-Kit in 2008 and was renamed Echo in 2009. The users of Haloscan were forced to switch to JS-Kit Echo paying a fee. I could go back to blogger's own commenting system which became mature by...

August 19, 2012

Pictures Lie Sometimes

I was browsing through the Google Maps and noticed this at the Naval Air Station Alameda, in the City of Alameda, California: A Boeing airliner was used as the mock-up of a crashed plane (2009) I was curious about this plane crash. So I googled and found this: Google Maps aerial view has got some great shots of a simulated plane crash that was created for the television series Trauma. The mock airliner crash was filmed on the runway of the...

August 14, 2012

Waiting waiting....

There is a growing trend of anarchy in Bangladesh regarding doctors appointment. In most of the cases the appointments are not timely kept. Its a regular phenomenon that the patient has to wait for hours to see a doctor. The doctors tend to disregard the patient's comfort and availability of time. I wonder how this trend is going to change if the consumers of medical service do not protest. [Mo blo...

August 05, 2012

5000 Miles Bicycle Ride For Climate Awareness

For many people the idea of climate change is of growing concern as they are not directly threatened. The people of Bangladesh however are becoming increasingly alarmed at the potentially devastating consequences of the sea level rise and climate change. The USA has the highest consumption of plastic based product and the largest consumer market for bottled water. Each year, Americans throw away some 28 million tons of plastic waste. Muntasir...