
Image by Rezwan

May 31, 2013

#SafeCityPledge: Indians Take a Stand Online for Women's Safety

A Twitter campaign has Indians flooding social media with personal promises to combat sexual harassment and sexism. On the heels of the brutal gang rape of a young woman in a moving bus in Delhi, volunteer-led community art project Blank Noise invited users during a 24-hour tweetathon on 19 January, 2013 to publish a pledge committing to new ideas that make cities safer spaces for women. The #SafeCityPledge campaign...

May 23, 2013

Bangladesh's Planned Coal Power Plant Threatens Sundarbans Mangrove Forest

A plan to erect a coal-fired power plant in Bangladesh next to the Sundarbans, the largest mangrove forest in the world which straddles Bangladesh and India, is drawing fire from activists in the country who say it would destroy the world heritage site. The proposed 1320-megawatt plant, to be built in the area of Rampal in the southern Bagerhat district, was initially put into motion in a bilateral agreement between Bangladesh and India during...

May 20, 2013

Facebook's ‘Social Reporting’ feature is being abused by organized gangs in Bangladesh

Recently we are getting reports from some Bangladeshi Facebook users about a new problem. Some of their pages or statuses have been disappearing mysteriously. Actually these individuals are being targeted by a group of people using Facebook's "Social Reporting" feature. It was originally designed to let people report offensive material to Facebook at the same time alerting someone in the community. One or more organized groups are resorting to...

Bangladesh Diaries

MAZ- the Swiss School of Journalism is the leading Swiss educational institution for journalism. Located in Luzern, Switzerland, it was founded in November 1983. In the past ten years this institute has sent professionals and young journalism students to Bangladesh for training. Most of these students interned with the Daily Star in Dhaka. Here are their diaries on their experiences in Bangladesh in German language (You can use Google translate to read) 2013: Anja Burri 2012: Fabian von Allmen 2011: Andrée Stössel 2010: Andrew Jones 2009: Coralie...

May 01, 2013

Facebook Cheat Sheet: Image Size and Dimensions

[ Source TechWyse Internet Marketing...