The World Cup Goal-E Project

This street in Bangladesh has a colorful world cup celebration

September 28, 2004

QUOTES OF THE DAY * A baby is God's opinion that life should go on. - Carl Sandburg - 1878-1967, American Poet * Babies are necessary to grown-ups. A new baby is like the beginning of all things --wonder, hope, a dream of possibilities. In a world that is cutting down its trees to build highways, losing its earth to concrete... babies are almost the only remaining link with nature, with the natural world of living things from which we spring.- Eda J. Le Shan -1922-, American Educator, Autho...

September 26, 2004

ITS A GIRLWelcome RIANNA, weight 8 lbs, born on September 24, 2004 in Dhaka, BangladeshLast Friday I have become father of a cute little baby girl. We went through 8 hours of the proceedings packed with much tension and relief. The doctors had to resort to C. Section to get her out. The baby is fine but the mother is recuperating from the trauma of C. Section. I have spent a couple of sleepless nights in the hospital managing the baby, and I have...

September 23, 2004

FIREFOX GETS EVEN BETTER I am using firefox 0.9 version for a couple of months and one thing I can tell you that this browser is very good and more customizable than Internet Explorer. The features include download manager, popup killer, tabbed browsing and easy transition from IE (all your favorite book marks and other settings remain intact). Just downloaded the latest 1.0 version from Mozilla, which have added features like RSS integration. Are you ready for a joyous ride on Firefo...

September 22, 2004

MADRASSA EDUCATION - AN ANACHRONISM OR A VICTIM OF EXPLOITATION There have been some disturbing and gruesome news in Bangladesh media in the last couple of days about some Madrassa teachers cutting of ears of students, killing & raping students etc. In all the cases the students are victim of the sodomite or mentally disturbed teachers whose deed in anyway cannot be called Islamic. These incidents caught media attention quickly as Madrassas have a bad reputation being a breeding ground for extremists. And the Islamic parties surprisingly kept...

September 19, 2004

CLEANSE YOUR HEART WITH WATERS Roger Waters, the co-founder and primary songwriter of the legendary rock band Pink Floyd, has written and recorded two important new songs, "To Kill The Child" and "Leaving Beirut". You can hear streaming versions of the songs on Waters website, The songs have the fervor of the classic Waters and powerful lyrics. I am particularly impressed with the strong lyrics, which were written as Waters' response to invasion of Iraq by the coalition force. He asks: Are these the people that we should...

September 18, 2004

HOW FRAGILE WE ARE The Sun finally shined yesterday in Bangladesh after 7 days incessant rainfall. The massive rainfall (a 50 years record) has waterlogged many parts of Bangladesh, wreaked havoc on agricultural crops creating millions of Taka damages, disrupted lives of millions and at least 28 people were killed in the flood that ensued. As Sting says in one of his hit song: Perhaps this final act was meant To clinch a lifetime's argument That nothing comes from violence and nothing ever could For all those born beneath an angry star Lest...
LINKS OF THE DAY * Nitin writes about Islam & Democracy in the context of Malaysia. It appears, Malaysia is still far from being a liberal democracy. * Zeyad gives his views on the patterns of the recent violence in Iraq. * Dave says Bush and Kerry should start talking sense and quit blathering to get his vote in the coming election. * Laura has watched "The Passion" and ponders about all the bloodshed since 9-11 that "We are still killing Jesus, over and over." * Niraj defends that Bangladesh is doing well in some areas but the country...

September 15, 2004

QUOTES OF THE DAY * There is a country where political parties fight on who would sleep in the master bed room at a time when the whole house caught fire and is burning. - Torkel L Patterson, US Deputy Assistant Secretary for South Asia * If you can hear this, your television isnt underwater. Congratulations! - Conan O'Brien, talking about Bangladesh at his NBC show "Late night with Conan O'Brien"...
EMPLOYING THE BEGGARS Grameen Bank, the award winning initiative by Dr. Md. Yunus has pulled another stunt by offering loan to the beggars to purchase mobile phones (without collateral) so that they can offer mobile phone service in the streets. This looks good in theory but I have apprehensions whether it will reach the objective of changing beggar's lives. Their previous effort "The phone ladies" - giving mobile loan to poor women in the village was misused by some quarters or middlem...
SLEEP AS A COMMODITYAnyone interested to catch a quick "power nap" to increase your productivity on the way to your next assignment? This idea can come from only a Bangladeshi. And believe me this guy's logic is good and the product will se...

September 14, 2004

RAIN RULES HERE It started raining from Friday night almost incessantly. It intensified since Sunday morning riding on a land depression and is yet to cease. For the first couple of days it was pleasant, but who knew that it could bring another disaster in Bangladesh. It has submerged most parts of Dhaka under knee to waist-deep water, stranded hundreds of vehicles and thousands of commuters on roads, cut power and telephone links and kept day-workers from earning a living since Monday. Many found it extremely difficult to come to work place or...

September 13, 2004

I GOT PLUGGED Tanim of "Busy minds in a lazy shell" Blog has published an article in the Daily Financial express titled "Ways to put a piece of your mind... online". He mentioned there the link to my post "List of blogs by Bangladeshis and foreigners in Bangladesh". It feels great to be mentioned in a newsdaily and thanks to Tanim for that. Don't forget to read his nice article to...

September 12, 2004

LINKS OF THE DAY * BURMA -Grace under pressure: A remarkable photojournal made with Flash about the lives and struggles of the peoples of Burma, or Myanmar, who are under a oppressive military dictatorship since 1988. (Via Niraj) * Ghani Academy: Connects you to the path of knowledge (an initiative of some Bangladeshis). * Bangladesh Hall of Fame: An website dedicated to famous Bangladeshis(still under construction). Should be a good resource when the site is completed. * 9/11: Rising up from the ashes: A retrospective by Joe Katzman at Winds...

September 11, 2004

ISLAM AND TERRORISM If you ever wonder why Muslims are being stereotyped as terrorists all over the world then you should consider the facts that Muslim society is not vocal enough to uphold Islam's true image, which is being tarnished by some lowlife terrorists who have an agenda of their own. Here is one such voice which tries to discover the true facts: Obviously not all Muslims are terrorists but, regrettably, the majority of the terrorists in the world are Muslims. The kidnappers of the students in Ossetia are Muslims. The kidnappers and...
MORE CRICKET MADNESS There is always a contest of owning the remote control between my wife and me whenever we sit together for watching a cricket game in TV. Because she does not want to watch cricket for a longer period and only lets me check the scores in between commercials of the programs. And I try to watch most of the cricket and let her watch her program in between frequent commercial breaks of the cricket broadcast. It has become a healthy contest and she is never against my inclination to cricket. The ICC Championship Trophy has started...

September 10, 2004

LIFE'S TRIVIA I have been pretty busy lately and did not find time to write about myself. Me & S. are waiting for our first baby, which is due end of this month. This is a whole new experience for us as a new phase of our lives is beckoning. She has been troubled with this pregnancy right from the start. She had to be on bed rest for more than a month in her first trimester. She had to deal with the troubles in going to work during hartal and the discomforts she faces in workplace (like lack of restroom etc.). But each day has been filled...
VIOLENCE, TERROR, OPPORTUNISTS AND WAYOUT Bangladesh is caught in a vicious web of bloody violence caused by grenade and bomb explosions, numerous bomb threats and the inability of the security forces to stop these. All they could do is to kill some criminals in mysterious "encounters" brewing more doubts about their intentions and capabilities. We will do injustice just to blame them only, because they cannot act freely; as it is said that there are always instructions for them from the higher level of the government about whom to arrest and...

September 07, 2004

QUOTES OF THE DAY * The terrible thing about terrorism is that ultimately it destroys those who practice it. Slowly but surely, as they try to extinguish life in others, the light within them dies. - Terry Waite 1939-, Consultant and Former Hostage, Born in Bollington, Cheshire * Fighting terrorism is like being a goalkeeper. You can make a hundred brilliant saves but the only shot that people remember is the one that gets past you. - Paul Wilkinso...

September 05, 2004

WORLD BANKS' LEGAL IMMUNITY The global movement against the World Bank is aimed at making the institution accountable to people as well as to their clients, the government that are recipients of their aid. But the present coalition government of Bangladesh has been surprisingly helping them doing the opposite. Farhad Mazhar writes in The New Age: On 4 July this year, the cabinet decided that the sovereignty of the World Bank is over and above the sovereignty, constitution and the legal regime and procedures of Bangladesh. The four-party alliance...
VICTIMS OF ASSYMETRICAL WARFARE I was shocked watching the pictures of the gruesome bloodbath in Beslan in the media. Its true that many of us have been accustomed, even inured with the news of the murder of innocent lives by the terrorists, whether it is in Dhaka or in Jerusalem. But this was beyond any imagination. Young kids traumatized by masked killers wearing bomb-belts, forced to drink their own urine, when they were kept hostage for over...

September 02, 2004

PHOTOBLOG -VISUAL THOUGHTS A photoblog is a type of weblog that is regularly updated with photos. Some photoblogs focus only on photography, while others have photos in addition to other content. All photoblogs, however, consider photos to be an important part of their chronological blogging structure. (for more faqs) I have been quite impressed browsing some photologs. There is another world of blogs where much is told via photos shot by amateurs and professionals. Some notable Bangladeshi girl photoblogs: * Nazzina * Rings * Nazma Go...