served by
After being indicted by the UN tribunal for war crimes and genocide over the 1995 massacre at Srebrenica he disappeared in 1996. Mr Karadzic denied the charges against him and refused to recognize the legitimacy of the UN tribunal.
An international warrant was issued against him and the United States government had offered a $5 million award for his capture. The other accused general Ratko Mladić is still at large.
The accusations against him are:
* Two counts of genocide (genocide, complicity in genocide )
* Five counts of crimes against humanity (extermination, murder, persecutions on political, racial and religious grounds, persecutions, inhumane acts)
* Three counts of violations of the laws or customs of war (murder, unlawfully inflicting terror upon civilians, taking hostages);
* One count of grave breaches of the Geneva Conventions (willful killing).
I hope he gets the punishment he deserves.
* A Dark Corner of Europe, Part I - Michael J. Totten
*A Dark Corner of Europe, Part II - Michael J. Totten
Goethe once said that "every offense is avenged on earth"