The main concern for this year's flood is the relief operation. This has been undertaken single handedly by the caretaker government which has put all of its resources including the army. But time and again we have seen that non governmental and political organizations efforts do make a lot of difference as they reach to masses. Its not about will its about lack of resources and shortage of manpower in governmental institutions. But as the politics is banned, there are no such initiatives in sight. And the NGOs seem in two minds about what to do.
Till today World Vision has joined Bangladesh Government in their relief efforts. United Kingdom is providing 2.5 million USD aid for Bangladesh flood victims. DFID's own chars livelihoods program will provide additional 1 million USD flood relief efforts in their operation areas in five districts in the northern region.
But we are getting reports that millions of affected people in remote areas are yet to received any relief. Simply biscuits and water are not enough. As the clean water sources are effected there is a dire need of water cleaning tablets to keep people away from waterborne diseases. There should be medical teams, make-shift shelters. There are a lot to be done to prevent an epidemic. Shada Kalo Blog terms it the Cartaker government's Katrina syndrome. The Daily Star says in an editorial:
While the government machinery has been trying to handle the situation, it is fairly obvious that the involvement of the wider community has now become necessary in order for succor to reach as many people as possible in the flood-hit areas.Bangladesh has survived many great floods. Its stubborn people have lost everything and started again from the scratch (Tanvir portrays one of such characters). In this moment of truth let us all help these people survive. We know how to do it. Just we have do do it all together, in concert.
Update: Change Bangladesh has started a fund raising effort. Please donate if you can.
Related articles:
* No flood-relief work by Bangladeshi politicians this time.
* Is Dhaka prepared for the flood?