HAPPY NEW YEARWishing all a prosperous and peaceful 2006.I have been very busy lately in home and at work. Blogging had been a rare luxury I could afford lately. I have tons of ideas and events to share but just couldn't make it here (for lack of time).Just arrived from a family new year's party. This year's celebrations were subdued to some extent. The usual crackers and fire works were absent, at least in the locality I live. Probably what kept people inside home is the extra police protection due to threats of the extremists and bans on firecrackers....
Image by Rezwan
The World Cup Goal-E Project
This street in Bangladesh has a colorful world cup celebration
New Chum Hill Ruins
Remnants of Kiandra gold mine at New Chum Hill, #nsw #australia
December 31, 2005
December 29, 2005
December 27, 2005
Tuesday, December 27, 2005
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A BOAT RIDE IN BURIGANGA Last sunday we went to BIWTA jetty in Pagla along the banks of the Buriganga river, some 20 kms away from Dhaka. My last visit to that place some 7-8 years ago was more memorable because the infrastructures and the surroundings have been degraded by now. There are no visible sign for easy direction in the road. The 'Mary Anderson' (Pic: on the left, click for a larger view) was initially a luxury cruise ship for the VIPs,...
December 26, 2005
Monday, December 26, 2005
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THE WORD CHRISTMASAccording to Katy, there are much debate going on in the USA on about the separation of Church and State and using the word "Christmas" in public settings. Her sons' teachers have wished her "Happy Holidays", as they were careful not to let the X-word slip.She thinks Christmas is an important part of most Americans' traditions and it should not be censored. She also suggests that US can follow the Bangladesh model of observing the holidays of all the major religio...
Monday, December 26, 2005
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BANGLADESH IDOLLast Thursday evening I was attending one cultural show. A local band was performing rocks and modern Bangla songs. The crowds were seemingly not happy with the performance. The acoustics were good, but the vocals were not matching them. Then came a girl, who started to sing popular Hindi movie songs. The crowds were on their feet and cheering like anything. I quietly alienated myself from that place. This is not the Bangladesh I want, lost to the superiority of another culture.The same night I caught a glimpse of the 'Close up 1...
December 24, 2005
Saturday, December 24, 2005
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MERRY CHRISTMAS TO EVERYONE"So this is Christmas And what have you done Another year over And a new one just begun And so this is Christmas I hope you have fun The near and the dear ones The old and the young A very merry Christmas And a happy New Year Let's hope it's a good one Without any fear And so this is Christmas War is over For weak and for strong If you want it For rich and the poor ones War is over The world is so wrong Now And so Happy Christmas War is over For black and for white If you want it For yellow and red ones War is over Let's...
Saturday, December 24, 2005
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BANGLADESH ISRAEL RELATIONSHIP? According to Israeli Media following the warm-up in relations between Israel and Pakistan, two other Muslim countries which do not have diplomatic relations with Israel have made attempts to establish contacts with Israeli officials. And guess what one is Afghanistan and the other is Bangladesh. (Via Salam)Ynet News reports: "Bangladesh's ambassador in a Mediterranean basin country recently approached the Israeli ambassador with an offer to establish regular relations. The Israeli ambassador happily accepted the...
December 21, 2005
Wednesday, December 21, 2005
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TODAY'S LINKS* Racism: Apartheid and South Asians.* Racism: Views on recent case of racism in Australia.* Violence: Protect women worldwide, stop violence against women by clicking a button!* Technology: v-girl.com offers a mobile girlfriend to download and date. This artificial lady can be your constant companion who shares her secrets, provides conversation, and comes with realistic 3D animation.* Economy: India is the next manufacturing giant.* Languages: Quick Bengali lesson 01 by an expat.* Ban: Pakistan Supreme Court has banned kite making,...
December 20, 2005
Tuesday, December 20, 2005
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LESSONS FOR RECONCILIATION TOWARDS PEACE"We can not agree on everything, that’s normal, but we should not dehumanize each other."Dina Mehta recommends this post to anyone who lives in countries where there is ethnic strife and conflict. In her words:"I'd say that pretty much covers the whole world. Two bloggers I only recently met at the Global Voices Summit, one an Israeli and the other a Palestinian, both influential bloggers in their worlds, who went on a walk together to sort out some of the more bitter issues that had turned their blogs into...
Tuesday, December 20, 2005
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TAXI DRIVERS IN NEW YORK DEMAND JUSTICE(Via Saurav) "Bangladeshi Taxi Drivers Shajedur Rahman & Humayun Kabir Laskar Are In a Coma After Being Victims On the Job. Daily, Over 100,000 NYC Taxi, Black Car and Livery Drivers Face Assaults, Harassment, Road Rage and Verbal Abuse While Working 12-Hour Shifts."* One out of four taxi drivers is a victim of crime.* 60% of Taxi Drivers Are From Bangladesh, India and Pakistan (Desis).* 90% Are Immigrants (Desis, Haitians, Africans, Latinos, Arabs, Europeans, etc.)Recently the Bangladeshi Community Organizations...
December 18, 2005
Sunday, December 18, 2005
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BANGLADESH BLOG BUZZ(crossposted in the global voices online)1) The liberation war of Bangladesh: The blogosphere went alive on the occasion of the Victory Day of Bangladesh (former East Pakistan).On December 16, 1971, the Pakistani occupation forces surrendered to the joint command of Indian Army and Bangladeshi freedom fighters in Dhaka after a nine-month bloody war for independence of the country. Bangladesh boldly said no to Pakistan, which was formed on the basis of religion and still married to it. Bangladeshis gave their blood to the cause...
December 15, 2005
Thursday, December 15, 2005
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TODAY'S TIDBITS* Opinions: The best possible arguement for withdrawal of US troops from Iraq.* Human rights: Bangladesh's feared elite police.* Living: Hightech flush gazzette.* Warning: Beware podcasters, podcast hijacking is here.* Changes: From Bangalore to Bengaluru, from Delhi to Hastinapur; whats in a name?* Stupidity: Iranian leader denies Holocaust.* Examples: Understanding HTTP.* Future: Hydrogen is the fuel of the future.* Technology: Mobiles for the next billi...
Thursday, December 15, 2005
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BLOG COVERS THE IRAQ ELECTION LIVEFor an exclusive live coverage of the Iraqi election please go to Pajamas Media. PJM & Iraq the model are hosting waves of election updates and photos from eight correspondents based in eight different Iraqi provinces. The superiority of the main stream media has end...
Thursday, December 15, 2005
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VICTORY DAY: 16th of December(from the archive)On this day in 1971 out of the crucible of blood and sacrifice, Bangladesh was born. This day is celebrated with glory and joy supplementary to the Independence Day, which is the 26th March. Actually Independence Day marks the declaration of our Independence and start of a bloody and glorious War of Liberation against the occupied forces of Pakistan. The govt. of Independent Bangladesh was formed in...
Thursday, December 15, 2005
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The history of Independence of Bangladesh(from the archive)I am not a historian. But I am trying to summarize here the history of Bangladesh's Independence for those who would like to have an idea about it. In 1947 Indian subcontinent got its independence from British rule and were divided into Pakistan & India. The division was on the notion of two-nation theory, separate religious states of Hindu & Muslim. Some say that the British invoked the Hindu Muslim riots, some say the shrewd politicians, but these grim incidents led people nodding...
Thursday, December 15, 2005
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MARTYRED INTELLECTUALS DAY: DECEMBER 14TH(From the archive)December 14 is the day of martyred intellectuals, who were brutally killed by the Pakistani occupation army and their cohorts in 1971. Sensing their imminent defeat in the Bangladesh's liberation war, the Pakistani occupation forces and their local collaborators Rajakar, Al-Badr and Al-Sham kidnapped leading Bengali intellectuals and professionals on December 14, 1971 and killed them only...
December 13, 2005
Tuesday, December 13, 2005
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PHONE TAPPING VS. HUMAN RIGHTSBangladesh's telecommunication act 2001, provides that phone tapping is an offence and punishable with either a six-month imprisonment or fine not exceeding Tk 50,000 or both.However, the government has amended the law in an presidential order with immediate effect, allowing intelligence and law enforcement agencies to tap telephone conversations of any individual (The Daily Star). According to the ordinance, telephones can be tapped only with the permission of the chief executive of the home ministry. The government...
Tuesday, December 13, 2005
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BIMAN'S HAJJ FLIGHT SAGABiman has messed up big time with the hajj flights. The trouble started when the minister for civil aviation Mir Nasiruddin fixed airfare of the national carrier Biman at a higher rate to carry the 50,000 hajjis for the pilgrimage to Mecca. The travel agents protested and threatened to boycott Biman and after the Prime minister's intervention, Nasir resigned. To mend the scar, this had became a political issue of the new minister, who vowed to carry 59,000 hajjis with Biman. Two aircrafts were chartered for hajj flights...
December 12, 2005
Monday, December 12, 2005
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TODAY'S LINKS* JMB got Guevara wrong.* The arrest of Burmese nationals increased recently in Bangladesh after a series of militants’ bomb attacks.* Why the connectivity is expensive in India.* Grameen Bank's help changes lives in Joymontop Village.* Keeping up with the Gateses - Bill & Melinda Gates' South Asia visit.* Bangladeshi ideas 'can help positively change Afric...
Monday, December 12, 2005
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STUPID WAYS"Against stupidity; God Himself is helpless. -A Jewish proverb"The Times of London reports:"Israel's armed forces have been ordered by Ariel Sharon, the prime minister, to be ready by the end of March for possible strikes on secret uranium enrichment sites in Iran, military sources have revealed."No wonder this stupidity was encouraged by that stupidity.Tigerhawk analyses the news:"Obviously, Israel is sending a signal to Iran, but not to President Ahmadinejad. In all likelihood, Israel hopes to split the Iranian elites and weaken support...
Monday, December 12, 2005
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TROUBLE IN CHINAThe truth is coming out thanks to the bloggers. Police fired on protesters in Dongzhou Village of Shanwei, China on December 6, 2005 killing an estimated 33 villagers. Nearly 20 are missing and relatives of the people who were killed are seen kneeling in front of the police asking them to return the bodies. China admits killing three people.The assault against innocent civilians is the deadliest since the killings around Tiananmen Square in 1989. The thousands of people gathered to protest against the amount of money offered by...
December 11, 2005
Sunday, December 11, 2005
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GLOBAL VOICES ONLINE 2005 LONDON SUMMITGlobal Voice is an international effort to diversify the conversation taking place online by involving speakers from around the world, and developing tools, institutions and relationships to help make these voices heard.Within one year of its birth, Global Voices Online has become successful to be a platform of communicating previously unheard voices around the world. With its regional editors' & contributors'...
Sunday, December 11, 2005
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* 'Japan: The key to east Asian unity' - a speech by Mahathir Bin Mohamad.
* Forget That iPod for Christmas: Buy an Ox Instead
* More about the GMAT exam.
* The Great War For Civilization: - Robert Fisk's latest book.
* Women in Islam - veils of the mind.
* Feminism under the hijab.
* A Muslim in a Jewish Land.
* A tale of an American girl who prays a little different...
December 10, 2005
Saturday, December 10, 2005
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TERRORISM IN BANGLADESH, OUTCOME OF A CLASS STRUGGLE?Bangladeshi rockstar cum blogger Mac Haque has an interesting analysis of the recent bomb atatcks in Bangladesh in "Global Politician Magazine". He says:"The patterns of recent 'attacks' by JMB for instance are not only confusing but imminently laughable and does not in any way suggest involvement of a serious terrorist (if at all) group.......If what is unfolding in Bangladesh today is as an outcome of a hidden class struggle over the years, then certainly the Islamists and not the secular Maoists...
December 09, 2005
Friday, December 09, 2005
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BICYCLE OF VIOLENCEThe suicide bombings in Bangladesh have turned more evil in nature. They are now targeting innocent people. Yesterday's blast occurred as hundreds of curious people had gathered on a narrow street in Netrokona shortly after the police safely detonated another bomb found abandoned in a building. A suicide bomber on a bicycle rode into the crowd and detonated the explosives tied to his body by pulling a cord according to eye-witnesses.Now the interesting twist is that of the two suspected suicide bombers, one, named Jadab was identified...
December 08, 2005
Thursday, December 08, 2005
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BREAKING NEWS: ANOTHER SUICIDE BOMBING IN NETROKONAAt least four people have been killed and approx. 50 injured in another wave of suicide bombing in Netrokona (northern Bangladesh) (BBC, CNN). According to local TV channels, the bombs were targeted at Udichee (a cultural organization) district office and its head along with two suicide bombers are dead. The police had defused another bomb in the area an hour before the incident.So it is evident that the JMB onslaughts are aimed to create panic among common people, not against specific targets...
December 07, 2005
Wednesday, December 07, 2005
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TODAY'S LINKS* Wow, what an offer! Switch to Firefox and earn US$ 1.* Jeremy David Pope, founder of Tranparency International is a true anti-corruption crusader. Read more about him.* Prof. Juan Cole writes: "How Bush created a theocracy in Iraq"* Stephen Cohen's "The Idea of Pakistan" is a critical look at pakistan, the idea that shapped it,what has become to that country now and whether it can acheive that idea.* "The parked domain monetization" business is surprisingly profitable but unethical.* The maids of Singapore finally get world's at...
December 06, 2005
Tuesday, December 06, 2005
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BILL GETS VVIP TREATMENTI was surprised to see that Bill Gates got unprecedented welcome from Bangladesh just like a head of state. His and Melinda's portraits were hung in front of the VVIP lounge of ZI Airport. Prime Minister personally greeted him in front of her room. All the major ministers were present at different discussion sessions. Bangladesh is a business potential for Microsoft as due to absence of strict intellectual property/piracy law a major portion of PCs in Bangladesh use pirated Microsoft software. Unlike other countries you...
December 04, 2005
Sunday, December 04, 2005
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MONICA YUNUS IN DHAKAMonica Yunus is quickly establishing herself as one of America’s most promising young sopranos. A 2003 Sullivan Foundation Award winner, Ms. Yunus has already performed with numerous opera companies throughout North America. If the family name is familiar to you then you have guessed it right. She is the daughter of Prof. Muhammad Yunus, the founder of Grameen Bank of Bangladesh and the pioneer of micro-credit. Monica was born...
December 01, 2005
Thursday, December 01, 2005
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QUOTE OF THE DAY"They want to destroy hope, therefore I shall preserve it by any possible means.They want to kill trust. Thus I will reach out to others, Africans, Asians, Arabs, Americans and Jews alike. They want to imprison people in labels and stereotypes. I will strive to maintain a dialogue, always focusing on the individuals rather than the symbol.They want to kill joy in me, thus I will laugh again.They want to paralyze me, therefore I will take action. They want to silence me--therefore I will speak out."- Mariane Pearl, wife of Danniel...
Thursday, December 01, 2005
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BREAKING NEWS: ANOTHER SUICIDE BOMBING IN GAZIPURThis is freaking outrageous. Today at 11:45 AM another powerful bomb went off outside the main administrative office in Gazipur, where lawyers were marching as part of a daylong strike called by the lawyears in protest of the tuesday's bombings. About 25 people including police officers and journalists were injured. No reports of casualties yet but the condition of some of the wounded is serious and they have been moved to the capital Dhaka. (BBC, Reuters)A young man selling tea had hid the bomb...
Thursday, December 01, 2005
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BANGLADESHIS REACTThe rise of suicidal militancy and the current political situation have shaken the nation. People have started questioning. Ishtiaque writes a fascinating piece which reflects what many Bangladeshis are thinking. It's a must read. Some excerpts:"It’s high time something gets done.Is changing the government a solution? I don't think so. They are all the same. These politicians lack the creativity and dynamic nature that is required in order to solve critical problems. They can only solve some mundane problems, or allocate budget...
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