CHANGE BANGLADESHThe state of Bangladesh politics has degraded to the bottom pit. Political intolerance and illogical acrimony between two major parties have created much disturbance in the country. The rampant corruption of many leaders, MPs and ministers are changing the parity between the rich, middle class and poor and spreading corruption to all levels. The nexus between the police and the criminals under the umbrella of the corrupt leaders has deteriorated the law and order situation. I have written about it many times (1, 2, 3, 4). In my...
Image by Rezwan
The World Cup Goal-E Project
This street in Bangladesh has a colorful world cup celebration
New Chum Hill Ruins
Remnants of Kiandra gold mine at New Chum Hill, #nsw #australia
April 30, 2006
April 28, 2006
Friday, April 28, 2006
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QUOTE OF THE DAY"Every new-born child in Germany is still regarded as being in debt to a mob of impudent and insatiable Zionists. The Germans should no longer permit themselves to be made to accept guilt"- Iranian President Mahmud Ahmadinejad declared Thursday in a TV speech in Ir...
Friday, April 28, 2006
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TWO NATION THEORY AND THE NATIONAL ANTHEMI am surprised to find that some Bangladeshi communal minds have again raised the ridiculous issue that Bangladesh needs to change the national anthem, because Rabindranath Tagore, the writer is an Indian and a Hindu. Diganta also reveals:Some Indian Bengali came up with "suggestion" that Indian Bengalis and Bangladeshi Bengalis are carrying two different cultures. As Tagore was a poet of the former culture - his poem does not "suite" as National Anthem of Bangladesh. He has got a reply from a Bangladeshi...
Friday, April 28, 2006
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TODAY'S LINKS* Saudi Arabia: the next nuclear domino?* The logic behind Gmail.* Remember, this is the TV-Turnoff Week 2006 (April 24 - 30, 2006).*From China town to oil deals.* USA national gas temperature map.* Air Force One subject of Internet ho...
April 26, 2006
Wednesday, April 26, 2006
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SOCCER IS LIKE LOLLYPOPEven though soccer is very popular in the Arab world, Iraqi insurgent lord Muqtada al-Sadr thinks otherwise. Omar of 'Iraq the model' transcribes this from one of his latest videos:Habibi the west made things for us that distract us from our integration, uh, what it put for us? Made us run after a ball habibi…that is like 'eat gargary (lollypop)' habibi.What does it mean to see a man, big tall and wide and…Muslim, runs after a ball?This is one, the second thing and more important from that; we find that the west, and especially...
April 25, 2006
Tuesday, April 25, 2006
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TODAY'S LINKS* Bangladesh govt deported Ehsanul lawfully.* Musharraf "literally wept" when he heard Pakistani troops had surrendered during the 1971 Bangladesh liberation war.* US says to help Dhaka fight terrorism, hold polls.* Roadmap of new Nepal.* Why Bangladesh matte...
Tuesday, April 25, 2006
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OSAMA'S WARMash has an excellent piece on how Osama Bin Laden's idiosyncratic ideologies could be dealt with by US. Please do check it o...
Tuesday, April 25, 2006
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BANGLADESH BLOG BUZZ(Crossposted in the 'Global Voices Online')Let us take a look into what the Bangladeshi blogs around the world are saying lately.* Culture: Shapps posts his thoughts about the verdict of a British court against a Bangladeshi woman who was convicted for shaking her child violently to cure it from 'evil spirits'.* Cricket: Bangladeshis are crazy about cricket. They were all cheering when Bangladesh put the world champion Australia on back foot in a recent test but did lose the game eventually. Mezba writes how some Bangladeshis...
April 22, 2006
Saturday, April 22, 2006
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BRITISH RABUK government has set up an elite force to strengthen counter-terrorism and support special forces. Probably this move was encouraged by the recent achievements of the Bangladesh elite force RAB against the religious extremists. I hope they will not replicate RAB's much controversial method "encounter". More interestingly Kama of Kingston finds out that the new British elite forces emblem (left) resembles with old Nazi SS logo (righ...
April 20, 2006
Thursday, April 20, 2006
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DETENTION OF A BANGLADESHI-AMERICANOn April 17th, Ehsanul Islam Sadequee, a 19 year old Bangladeshi-American was detained by special forces officers in Bangladesh presumably based on information from U.S. law enforcement agencies that have been periodically interviewing family members back in US since August of last year. The Washington-based Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR) raised the alert suspecting he could be tortured by Bangladeshi authorities citing its poor human rights records. But as Naeem Mohaiemen terms it as Bangladesh's...
Thursday, April 20, 2006
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TODAY'S LINKS* Bangladesh lose Test but win admirers.* Left to tell: the inspiring autobiography of a Rwandan holocaust survivor.* Happy slapper . . . . slapped.* What Muslims hear at Friday prayers.* Death lists and dissente...
Thursday, April 20, 2006
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POLITICAL STAND-OFF BRINGS CHAOS & FEARMore disturbing news from Bangladesh:The capital came to a standstill yesterday noon as the police waged a multipronged war on the Awami League-led 14-party opposition combine over its sit-in programme in front of the Prime Minister's Office (PMO). At least 100 people including some law enforcers were injured in the pitched battles spanning several hours. The usual event following such mess is another Hartal (general strike) today.The sufferings of thousands of peoples do always fall under collateral damage....
Thursday, April 20, 2006
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BANGLADESH'S SUBMARINE CABLE WOESAfter much controversies, Bangladesh had been linked to the SEA-ME-WE-4 cable system to connect to the Internet October last year, but the citizens will have to wait a few months more as the domestic interface from Cox's Bazar to the various parts of the country are not ready yet. Meanwhile Bangladeshis will have to be satisfied with low bandwidth from VSATs, dialup modems and analogue circuits.Bangladesh should have been connected to the Sea-Me-We 2 (South East Asia Middle East Western Europe 2) submarine cable...
Thursday, April 20, 2006
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THE KOMINAS ON THE LOOSEWhat do terms like Muslim punk, Halal rock, and songs titles like "Dishoom, Baby" or "Sharia Law in the USA" have in common? Yes, these are products of the band the Kominas (the bastards), one of the handful of desi punkers that exist in America. (Via Sepia Mutiny)The band has it’s roots in the 'Taqwacores', a novel about a group of Muslim punk rockers who smoked dope, read scripture, slam-danced, prayed, had sex, and embodied the tolerance and compassion that Islam encouraged. Quite interesting but they can be termed as...
Thursday, April 20, 2006
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THE LUNGI REDISCOVEREDCan you guess what happens when Lungi, the traditional wear of some Asian countries is picked up by an US business house? The rename it to SurfKilt and use flashy website to market it. You can check it out spending $39....
April 19, 2006
Wednesday, April 19, 2006
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TODAY'S LINKS* The Kafka index.* The making of a human bomb.* The Iran plans: Would President Bush go to war to stop Tehran from getting the bomb?* On Cheney, Rumsfeld order, US is outsourcing special ops, intelligence to Iraq terror group.* Blogging fever hits Bangladesh Military Forces.* India's Media ca...
Wednesday, April 19, 2006
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CUSTOMIZED LAWAnother worrying example of the Bangladesh government's misuse of power:- the proposal of an amendment of an existing law which leads to dismissal of a bureaucrat, if a contempt of court is made by him/her has caused a stir among many. The proposed amended act increases the penalty but essentially saves a civil servant from losing his job for contempt of court. Via The Daily Star:Rokanuddin Mahmud, vice chairman of Bangladesh Bar Council, said, "The government has approved this law when some top bureaucrats are facing contempt charges...
April 18, 2006
Tuesday, April 18, 2006
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BEING HALF AN HOUR LATE OFFICIALLYThe Sri Lankans themselves are wondering why their goevrnment had decided to put back the clock by half an hour (to GMT+5:30)from April 14, 2006. We know that the Daylight Saving Time (DST) is used to provide a better match between the hours of daylight and the active hours of work and school in temperate regions. In the tropical region there is not enough daylight fluctuation to make it worthwhile to change the time.One argument is that according to its geographical position, the actual time in Sri Lanka varies...
April 17, 2006
Monday, April 17, 2006
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TODAY'S LINKS* Porn star's offer to Bin Laden.* Soccer, Saudi style.* Global Voices goes truly global.* Australian Federal Police to open office in India, Bangladesh.* Europe takes harder line with terror suspects.* Why is this man smili...
Monday, April 17, 2006
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BANGLADESH-AUSTRALIA 2ND TESTThe first day was not good for Bangladesh for many reasons. The day was marred even before the start of play as the journalists resorted to a sit-in protest in the middle of the ground against the merciless beating of fellow photojournalist Shamsul Haq Tanku of Bengali daily Prothom Alo in the ground by the police. The play was delayed for ten minutes and the umpires had to intervene.The tension mounted during lunch break...
April 15, 2006
Saturday, April 15, 2006
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ENGLISH IN GERMANYWhy do almost all Germans insist that they don't speak English when asked? The Germany Survival Bible claims that many Germans do know working English and are rather shy to claim it.Well in a number of cases I have faced resistance in trying to converse in English with Germans. For an example, I had problems with my DSL connection and I had to call the expensive help desk call center. The attendant said that he doesn't speak English. I had difficulties in making him understand all the technical details with my stuttering German...
April 14, 2006
Friday, April 14, 2006
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TODAY'S LINKS* Bangladesh boilover gives cricket lovers a new way of looking at that country.* In Bangladesh, 100,000 rural poor are "phone ladies".* Malaysian man hit with $218 trillion phone bill.* Why is there so much hate inside us?* Indira, not US, credited with ending 1971 war: book.* Grief-stricken Rajkumar fans go on a rampage.* The Rickshaw blog collects the poetry, phrases, expressions, and words found on the back of Ricksha...
Friday, April 14, 2006
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OF WHAT FAITH ARE YOU?I took the belief-o-matic quiz and the result looks like:1. Liberal Quakers (100%)2. Islam (99%)3. Orthodox Judaism (99%)4. Jainism (97%)5. Bah'ai Faith (95%)6. Orthodox Quaker (95%)7. Sikhism (95%)8. Reform Judaism (93%)9. Unitarian Universalism (90%)10. Mahayana Buddhism (75%)11. Mainline to Liberal Christian Protestants (74%)12. Neo-Pagan (71%)13. Theravada Buddhism (71%)14. Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints (Mormons) (70%)15. Secular Humanism (69%)16. Hinduism (64%)17. Seventh Day Adventist...
April 13, 2006
Thursday, April 13, 2006
1 comment

BENGALI NEW YEAR (1413) GREETINGSShuvo Nobobarsha!Nobo Barsha, Bangla for New Year, also known as "Pahela Baishakh", marks the beginning of Baisakh, the first month of Bengali calendar. It is usually marked by the tradition of "Halkhata", opening of books of accounts for the new year by the village traders. The celebration of Pahela Baishakh by broad masses in the Bangladesh context may be dated from the observance of the day by "Chhayanat", a cultural...
Thursday, April 13, 2006
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QUIET REVOLUTIONThe Kansat situation is going out of control. The police has committed another brutality to the villagers killing six people and injuring many in the name of keeping law and order. The government should ponder deeply that they cannot deprive people long from the basic necessities like power and fuel and discriminate the rural people. Are these lives not precise? People need to wake up. Jago bahe....Konthe shobaye......Wake up boys, there's a light at the window,I can hear someone knocking on the door,There are voices in the street,And...
Thursday, April 13, 2006
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TODAY'S LINKS* Bangladesh’s quiet hero.* The Shanghai Taxi driver's MBA lecture.* The Indian government spent Rs. 400 millions on Bollywood stars for an eleven-minute performance!* The internet is as big as a hard drive with Webaroo.* A crime against humanity in the name of God.* Bad King: The pictures say it a...
April 12, 2006
Wednesday, April 12, 2006
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WORLD CHAMP'S FIGHTBACKThe Bangladesh-Australia 1st test is going towards a result in the end of the 4th day (or it may drag to the next morning). The wonderful performance of Bangladesh in the last two-and-a-half days have given them a considerable lead only to push it further to something really unreachable by Australia, the world champions. But Bangladesh could not keep the momentum in the 2nd innings and reeled to 148 (4 wickets fell adding one run), almost 300 runs short of their 1st innings score. Now Australia has a relatively easy target...
April 11, 2006
Tuesday, April 11, 2006
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TODAY'S LINKS* India: largest state passes law to stop catalyzing religious conversions.* Piercing issue with a Desi twist.* The Bloggy Award has started.* Bangladesh and Zionism: The appointment of Dr. Richard L Benkin by Bangladesh government as a PR man and more interestingly denying his Visa to visit Banglade...
April 10, 2006
Monday, April 10, 2006
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GO BANGLADESH GO!This is just awesome. Headlines like this only look like dreams: "Australia Crumbles to 145-6, Trails Bangladesh by 282 in Test"Welcome the zest of the youths. I only wish that the dream is not shattered anytime soon. There are three more days in the play.Listening to Cryptic Fate's song "Cholo Bangladesh khelbe amar desh, cholo Bangladesh dekhbo amar desh" (Go Bangladesh lets play the game, Go bangladesh we're always with you). Don't spoil my mood, plea...
Monday, April 10, 2006
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BUILDING IMAGE OF BANGLADESHThis type of advertisements are all over in Germany, in buses, newspapers, billboards to promote tourism to India. And I am sure this program runs in many countries. But where is Bangladesh in this regard? I had to mention India's name to several people while trying to explain the location of Bangladesh, whose name they have seldom heard. I have explained in one of my posts "Why Bangladesh is struggling to lure tourists"....
April 09, 2006
Sunday, April 09, 2006
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THE POLITICS OF DEVELOPMENT"All progress occurs because people dare to be different."The latest in the politics of development:Bangladesh government has postponed a plan to purchase 13 new aircraft for Biman Bangladesh Airlines due to fund crisis and instead took a decision to find out a strategic partner for the survival of the loss-making national flag carrier. (source)Just to put things in perspective: Bangladesh has bought 16 F-7 BG fighter aircraft with maximum speed of 2,170 km per hour from China. Eight aircrafts have already been commissioned...
Sunday, April 09, 2006
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THE OTHER MIDDLE EASTFrom Michael J Totten's Middle East Journal:It’s in large part the media’s fault that Westerners have peculiar ideas about what Muslim countries are actually like. The Middle East section of major newspapers might as well be renamed When Muslims Behave Badly. When shit blows up, it makes the news. The slogans of lunatic Hamas-bots in Palestine make the news. When the Syrian Baath bussed in a rent-a-mob from Damascus to torch the Danish embassy in Beirut, that made the news.Journalists don’t deliberately try to make the Middle...
Sunday, April 09, 2006
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TODAY'S LINKS* War on terror — failure of clear-headed thinking.* How Internet changes politics.* Seeking a definition of Islam.* Bangladesh growing against all the odds.* Why doesn't black money change colour?* Playboy Indonesia launch...
Sunday, April 09, 2006
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ANOTHER KANSAT TRAGEDYTasneem Khalil wrote an wonderful peace on the Kansat killings in last January. This was the first signs of people rising and the use of police force to tackle it. Uninterrupted supply of electricity, was it too much to ask? Our state bodies never take into account the growing discrimination between the urban and rural public service sectors. In rural areas electricity costs more than the urban areas and yet all of the shortfalls...
Sunday, April 09, 2006
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QUOTE OF THE DAY"If you are doing a job that Americans won't do, you're welcome here for a period of time to do that job."- US president Mr. George Bush's messsage to the illegal immigrants in his count...
April 08, 2006
Saturday, April 08, 2006
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PROMISES STUNTSThere you go. As soon as you start hearing promises by political parties you know that election is nearing. E.g:Free education up to degree level if voted to power: HasinaDon't forget to quote the phrases "if voted to power" while discussing the subject. This is not a party agenda, but an imaginary "carrot" in front of the voters. The journalists have never bothered to ask the party from which fund the subsidy would come in a deficit budget. And I hope they understand that the method to raise literacy rate is to ensure primary education...
Saturday, April 08, 2006
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FIRE IN PARLIAMENT HOUSEWhat the hell?"Mysterious" blazes in front of the speaker's office and in two other rooms in Bangladesh's Parliament building have burned some documents. The speaker termed the incident a 'sabotage' and formed a five-member inquiry committee headed by the secretary of the Parliament Secretariat.(The Daily Star)Needless to say what the committee will find as "A camel is a horse designed by committe...
April 07, 2006
Friday, April 07, 2006
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PONTING STANDS CORRECTEDThe captain of the Australian cricket team Ricky Ponting now says:"Looking back I think I was wrong in what I said. I think Bangladesh probably do deserve their Test status." I think probably he realized that after being clean bold by an Akram inswing...
April 06, 2006
Thursday, April 06, 2006
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FLOODS IN CENTRAL EUROPEMeissen city in Saxony (Photo: Wikipedia)Experts are blaming it on the winter of heavy snowfall and a warm and rainy start to spring. Higher temperatures are thawing snow which still carpets in high mountains from where the rivers originate. After 2002 the Central European countries are facing floods this year from the swelled waters of the rivers Danube, Elbe and their tributaries. Seven people have died in the Czech Republic...
April 05, 2006
Wednesday, April 05, 2006
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BREAKING THE MISCONCEPTION ABOUT ISLAMI am delighted to introduce a new Bangladeshi blogger to you. Mash (Mashuqur Rahman) lives in Washington, DC and started blogging only last month. In his latest post he tried to answer a series of questions posed to moderate Muslims and Muslim reformers by another American blogger. And he did it with conviction. Please read the whole post (long post warning).His conclusion:I hope you find the answers I’ve given to be satisfactory. I am sure I am not the only Muslim to have similar thoughts. When you look a...
Wednesday, April 05, 2006
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TODAY'S LINKS* Texting and Politics in the Philippines.* Mother Teresa : savior or exploiter?* Police brought in as teachers lose control at Berlin school.* 3G mobiles change social habits.* Taxi-Wallahs of Ameri...
April 04, 2006
Tuesday, April 04, 2006
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GOOGLE SEARCH TEXT OF THE DAYdesi islamic sex blog - This search has awarded a traffic to my site. What an oxymor...
Tuesday, April 04, 2006
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THE EFFECTIVE IMMIGRATION POLICYBeing an immigrant in America Fareed Zakaria writes a touching article in the Washington Post on the issue of immigration. He slams Europe's immigration policies. Talking on the failure of the German immigration policy taken in the late 90s to lure tech workers into the country:The German Green Card was misnamed, because it never, under any circumstances, translated into German citizenship. The U.S. green card, by contrast, is an almost automatic path to becoming American (after five years and a clean record). So...
Tuesday, April 04, 2006
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PREVIEW OF THE BANGLADESH AUSTRALIA TEST SERIESBangladesh is ready to greet Australia for a home series against the cricket champions. There will be two tests and three one dayers. The first test will begin on the next Sunday (9th of April). Australia is satisfied with the venues and the security arrangements. Bangladesh has retained most of its winning combination, which have whitewashed Kenya (4-0 series) late last month. The Australian team also has an almost unchanged squad, which performed well in the recent series against South Africa. The...
April 03, 2006
Monday, April 03, 2006
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REBIRTH OF A NATION: BANGLADESHThe above is the title of the cover story of the TIME magazine's latest edition. With poster perfect pictures of the Prime Minister Begum Khaleda Zia it praises the government's crackdown on militancy.This story interestingly labels Zia's most popular initiative as forming the R.A.B., a police force that draws support in part for its willingness to kill. It falls for Zia's statement that the government's inaction against...
April 02, 2006
Sunday, April 02, 2006
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BOOTY CALLWith the advent of 3G technology in cellphones and its rapid proliferation, the younger generation has found a new way to break the taboo. Sharing sex and violence videos via MMS (Multimedia messaging) has become a cult in many countries say it is in Germany or in the USA. Younger generation watches porn and pictures of human beings mutilated, raped, beheaded, and even having sex with animal in their cell phones. The peril is that these people are underaged and they watch these in school, on subways, buses, and in other public areas....
Sunday, April 02, 2006
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DEVALUATIONIn economic terms "devaluation" is a reduction in the value of a currency. Why it is done is a complicated matter. A country may resort to devaluation to decrease import and to increase export (exporters can offer lower price and be more competitive) and thus increase foreign currency earnings.There is a rumor that fresh devaluation of Taka will be made in Bangladesh soon. I guess as election is coming, the government is keen to make a show of a healthy foreign currency reserve. For a country that is depended on a lot of imports, it...
Sunday, April 02, 2006
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TODAY'S LINKS* YouTube - the web at its best.* Science: Tracing Islam's innovations - exhibition held in the UK.* A fish called Allah.* Justice the Saudi style.* Why do they hate us so much?* 25Peeps: Who said bloggers aren't beautif...
April 01, 2006
Saturday, April 01, 2006
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DOCUMENTARY ON BLOGA new video 'Many to Many: Public Media and the Blogosphere' directed by the documentry maker Marty Lucas is now available on the Center for Social Media website (Quicktime required).It takes a look at the emerging world of Internet self-publishers and citizen journalists also known as bloggers and its implications for the larger world of public media. It also asks what public broadcasters in the US and the UK are doing to use new media tools to interact with their viewers and listeners in innovative ways.The 12 minute video...
Saturday, April 01, 2006
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SLAP THE BLOCK PROXYThe creative minds of a few Pakistanis Yasir Memon & Naveed have created this nifty utility for those individuals in Pakistan who are stuck behind the Government supported censorship on Internet in Pakistan. The way this service works is that you can simply go to blogname is “”Alternatively head on over to - you get no ads or any annoying pop-up to...
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