The hottest meme in blogsphere is the weblog awards. Now Asia has its first ever weblog awards hosted in the flyingchair blog. The categories will be added until Wednesday, 10 December and voting upto December 28th.
I am immensely surprised that no Bangladesh, Iran, Iraq or Pakistan categories or nominations are there. I have already written a mail seeking Bangladesh, Iran, Iraq & Pakistan Categories and a few nominations as well. Lets hope they add these categories. Those who feel that proper representation of Asian blogs are not happening then they can mail their complaints to Phil Ingram at .
Phil has replied my mail. He has added Bangladesh and Pakistan categories. But the catch is the bloggers have to add their sites themselves- He (or even me) can't add the sites, because we have already done for one. He also explains:
As regards Iran and Iraq, that is technically the Asian continent but a little out of the scope for me - South Asia is fine but this originally started off as SE and East Asia. If I go any further I will end up including German and I have to stop at some point. Also remember, I did not want loads of empty categories with no sites nominated.
So what are you waiting for? Add your sites, vote for yourself and others and lets have some fun.
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